How to farm rare mounts in World of Warcraft?


How to farm rare mounts in World of Warcraft?

April 11, 2023 8:46 AM
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Farming rare mounts in World of Warcraft can be a time-consuming and challenging task, but there are some strategies that can increase your chances of obtaining these coveted items. Here are some tips on how to farm rare mounts in WoW:

  1. Know where to find the rare mounts: Different rare mounts can be obtained from various sources such as dungeon and raid bosses, rare mobs, achievements, reputation vendors, and even random drops from world quests or events. Make sure to research the specific mount you want and where to obtain it.
  2. Plan your route: Once you know where to find the rare mounts, plan a farming route that maximizes your time and efficiency. Create a route that covers multiple areas and potential sources of the mount. Use addons such as Rarity or NPCScan to help you locate rare spawns.
  3. Increase your chances: Use items such as the bonus roll token or the Loot-A-Rang toy to increase your chances of obtaining the mount. Also, make sure to kill all the mobs in the area to increase your chances of obtaining the rare drop.
  4. Be patient: Farming rare mounts can take a lot of time and effort. Be patient and keep farming until you obtain the mount you want. Remember that RNG (random number generator) plays a big role in obtaining rare drops, and you may need to farm for a long time before you get what you want.
  5. Join a farming group: Joining a farming group can make farming for rare mounts more fun and efficient. You can join a group through the Group Finder tool in WoW or find a community of players who share your farming goals.

Overall, farming rare mounts in WoW requires a lot of dedication and patience, but the satisfaction of obtaining that coveted mount is worth the effort.

April 24, 2023 5:52 PM